
Showing posts from June, 2007

For our children

Teaching your Child about Islam Freda Shamma PhD Children are born in a state of fitra (purity) and then their parents teach them to be believers or unbelievers. According to the Musnad Ibn Hanbal, "The children of the unbelievers are better than you grown-ups. Every living creature is born with a righteous nature." It is our obligation and duty as parents to teach our children so that they grow up to be believing, practicing Muslims. Sending the child to an Islamic weekend school or to a full-time Islamic school is an important but minor part of their Islamic education. The major 'institution of learning' for each child is his family, and the major 'professors' of this institution are the parents. ROLE MODELING The most effective way to teach anything to anybody is to be a role model. This is why Allah sent human beings as prophets to all peoples. Whether we willingly accept this job or not, it is a fact that your child learns how to function in life by watch...

International Khilafah Conference

Assalamualaikum ada acara bagus and gedhe nih Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia mengundang kaum muslim pada acara: Konferensi Khilafah Internasional Ahad, 12 Agustus 2007 M 28 Rajab 1428 H Pukul 08:00 - 12:30 WIB Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta Susunan Acara : Pembukaan (Hari Mukti dan Adi Maretnas) Pembacaan Kitab Suci Al Quran Sambutan Jubir HTI (Ismail Yusanto) Parade Bedug + Pembacaan Puisi (Taufik Ismail) Testimoni Tokoh Nasional Konser Shalawat/Nasyid (Snada) Orasi Pembicara (Hizbut Tahrir) Teatrikal Lapangan Raya-Liwa Refleksi (Jamil Azzaini) Doa Penutup (Arifin Ilham dan Ary Ginanjar) Insya Allah menghadirkan pembicara dari: Eropa, Australia, Palestina, Sudan, Jepang dan Indonesia serta tokoh-tokoh nasional dari NU, Muhammadiyah, MUI, Darut Tauhid, Menpora, dan Ormas-ormas Islam. Pembicara: Dr. Imran Waheed (Hizbut Tahrir Eropa) "Tanda-tanda Kehancuran Peradaban Barat" Syeikh Ismail Al Wahwah (Hizbut Tahrir Australia) "Dunia Membutuhkan Khila...