Media Coverage of Khilafah Conference
Assalamualaikum wr wb... these are some coverage from Media regarding Khilafah Conference in indonesia where attended by 100.000 participants. sorry if some of the coverage was in Indonesian Language... wassalamualaikum Foto-Foto: [Updated] International Khilafah Conference Photos Video-Video: Dr Nazreen (Hizb ut-Tahrir) interview on 100,000 attendee Indonesia Caliphate Conference Dr. Imran Waheed's speech - Khilafah Conference International Khilafah Conference International World media coverage! BBC: Islamists call for caliphate Reuters: Calls for single Muslim government Hizb ut Tahrir - An Outcry to the Islamic Ummah 90,000 attend Indonesia Caliphate Conference Berita-Berita Dari Media Tulis: Muhammad Ismail Yusanto: Khilafah Mampu Selamatkan NKRI Saatnya Khilafah Memimpin Dunia Liputan Media Massa untuk KKI2007 Press Release: DELEGATES TO INTERNATIONAL KHILAFAH CONFERENCE REFUSED ENTRY INTO INDONESIA The Independent: Islamists rally to demand creation of Muslim state SMH: I...