Definition of Hadith
The two main sources of Islamic Shariah (laws) are the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
The definition of Sunnah is "Every saying of the prophet (pbuh), his every action and his approval or consent to the actions of his companions"; while the word Hadith refers to the recording of the Sunnah.The word Sunnah and Hadith are actually synonymous when referring to the sayings of prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

Placement of the Sunnah in the Islamic Shariah'
As mentioned above the Sunnah is one of the two primary sources of Shariah and hence it is obligatory to follow and without it one would be excluding most of the Islamic knowledge.
The status of the Sunnah can be clarified as follows:

The Sunnah explains the Qur'an
"And we have also sent down unto you the reminder (Al-Qur'an)that you may explain to men what is sent down to them." (16:44)

The prophet (PBUH) did explain the Qur'an in his words and actions. Hence Tafseer (interpretation of the Qur'an) must be based first and foremost on the Hadith.

The Sunnah gives details to general rulings from the Qur'an. In Sura Nur, verse 56 Allah says,
"And offer prayers perfectly and give Zakah and obey the Messenger that you may receive mercy (from Allah)".

In this and in many other verses, Allah orders us to establish prayers (Salah). However there is no indication from the Qur'an on the number of rakats in each prayer, or the times allocated for prayer, what nullifies prayer and last, but not least how to perform the Salah. These matters can only be found in the Sunnah.

Similarly, only from the Sunnah do we know what property and goods are liable to be used for Zakah and what is the minimum amount (nisaab) above which property is 'Zakatable'. The same is true for the rules of Fasting and Hajj. Hence the obligations on us, from Allah, can only be fulfilled by applying the Sunnah.

3. In the Sunnah there are certain laws that are not mentioned in the Qur'an, for example the prohibition of marrying an aunt and niece, the punishment for taking intoxicants and that for adultery, and the grandmother's share of inheritance.

4. The Sunnah limits general Qur'anic rulings. For example in Sura An Nisa Allah says,
"For Parents, a sixth share of the inheritance.... " (4:11)
However the Prophet went on to say,
"Muslims and Kaffirs can not inherit from one another." (Bukhari and Muslim)
So, while the ruling in the Qur'an regarding inheritance is general, the prophet added a condition: They must be both Muslims.

5. The Noble Qur'an itself refers to the Sunnah and implores the believers to follow it.
" He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah, but he who turns away, then we have not sent you as a watcher over them." (4:80)"Verily in the Messenger of Allah is an excellent example" (32:21)
Allah has made it a condition of Iman to take the Prophet as an arbitrator and accept his verdict.
" Nay, by your Lord, they can have no faith, until they make you judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions and accept (them) with full submission." (4:65)"And (the Messenger) instructing them (in) the Book (Qur'an) and Wisdom (the Sunnah)". (3:64)

6. Referring back to the Hadith of the Prophet we will see how he mentioned the importance of the Sunnah. " All my Ummah will enter heaven except those who decline. The companions asked, "Who would decline O Messenger of Allah." He said, " He who obeys me enters heaven and he who does not is the one who declines (to enter heaven)". {Bukhari}

In another Hadith the Messenger of Allah said,
"Obey my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Khalifas after me..."{Termizi}

7. The companions understood the status of the Sunnah and applied it in all walks of their lives. Abdullah ibn Umar when asked by someone why there is no mention of prayer during travelling in the Qur'an, said "Glory be to Allah who when he sent the Prophet we knew nothing before that but we did what we used to see the Prophet doing."Finally it is accepted by the Muslims that the Sunnah in general is inspiration from Allah and hence we do not distinguish between Qur'an and Sunnah as far as action is concerned and the Muslims have decided any attack on the Sunnah is an attack on Islam from its very route and their is consensus of the scholars that any one who rejects the Sunnah falls outside the fold of Islam.

Compilation Of the Hadith

There is a misconception prevalent among common people that the Sunnah was not compiled until some one hundred years past after the death of the Messenger of Allah {pbuh}.As a mater of fact, at the beginning of Islam the companions were discouraged from writing down any thing from the Prophet except the Qur'an. But later on, when they became familiar with the Qur'an and the number of the scribes increased to become more than forty men, then he instructed some companions to write his sayings. So in the first century there were to be found partial writings of the Prophet's sayings, but they were neither complete, nor classified.

It was the initiative of the great and pious Khalifah Omar ibn Abdul-Aziz (99-100H) that he ordered his governors throughout the Islamic state to collect the Hadith. That initiative was a turning point in Islamic history. Scholars from all over the Muslim land were travelling from one end of the state to the other searching for Hadith, in doing so, they spread both knowledge and collected Hadith.Consequently, a new science known as the science of Hadith was developed. A huge database of Hadith narrators and a unique classification system specifically tailored to purify the Hadith from edition or fabrication was evolved. A new breed of scholars of the highest calibre sprung up, and within two hundred years the vast majority, if not all the Hadith were collected, classified, checked and preserved for the Islamic Ummah (nation) until the Day of Judgment.

We shall review some of the most famous books of Hadith with a brief account of their respective authors.

1- Sahih Al-Bukhari
The most truthful book, after Al-Qur'an. Compiled by Imam (leader) of Hadith, Mohammad ibn Ismail Al-Bukhari, born 194H in Bukhara, central Asia. He travelled at an early age seeking knowledge to Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Hijaz (Makka/Madina). He learnt from more than 1000 Scholars and collected nearly 600,000 Hadiths. He wrote many books especially on the bibliography of Hadith narrators and other books on various issues of Fiqh. However, his book Al-Jame' Al-Sahih which became known as Sahih Al-Bukhari, stands out for being the most authentic book of Hadith. It was also the first book to contain only authentic Hadiths, while previous books contained authentic and non-authentic Hadith, as well as sayings of Sahabah and others.Imam Bukhari died in his hometown, Bukhara in the year 256H
Some facts about Sahih Al-Bukhari:1. Contains 6,000 Hadith, many of which are repeated under different headings and in different forms.

2. The number of complete unrepeated Hadith is 2513.

3. All the Hadith mentioned are authentic4. The conditions for accepting a Hadith were very stringent. Such as:
The chain of narrators must be linked, i.e. every narrator must have met his predecessor, (the man of whom he heard the Hadith from, up to the Prophet)
For to be enclosed in the Sahih, the narrators must be of the highest calibre regarding their piety, manners, memory, integrity, etc.

5. The book is not a mere book of narrations; it is essentially a course of study on Hadith, its derivatives, inductions and research.6. Each one of its 97 chapters is headed by a relevant verse from the Qur'an that complements the meaning of the Hadiths quoted. 7. Finally, much more could be said about this monumental work, however, it is enough to say that many people have reached fame and achieved the highest qualifications by studying the book, researching it and commenting on it.

2 - Sahih Muslim
The second most authentic book after Bukhari, written by Muslim ibn Al-Hajaj Al-Nisapuri. Born 204H, he learnt from many scholars, most of which were Bukhari's teachers. He also learnt from the Imam Al- Bukhari himself, and became his most loyal student.Like Imam Bukhari, he wrote many books on the sciences of Hadith.His main book on Hadith called Sahih Muslim became the second most important source of Hadith.
Some facts about Sahih Muslim:1. The book contains 4000 non-repeated Hadith and 12000 repeated ones.2. Many Hadith are mentioned in Bukhari, but with different chain of narrators.3. In every chapter more than one Hadith with the same meaning but with different chains and text are listed. The first Hadith in each chapter is the strongest, followed by weaker narrations in order to strengthen weaker narrations.4. Excellent classification.5. The book is forwarded by a detailed introduction about the basis of the sciences of Hadith.
3 - Sunan Abu Dawood
The author is Sulayman ibn Al-Ashath As-sijistani, born 202H. One of the most outstanding, all time great scholars, who learnt from many high calibre scholars such as Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Yahya ibn Maeen and taught other outstanding scholars such as AL-Termizi and A-Nissaee. He wrote 17 books on Fiqh and Hadith and his book Sunan Abu Dawood is a landmark in the classification of the Hadith of Ahkam (rulings). It has become a reference for judges, arbiters and researchers.It has been said that Al-Qur'an and the Sunan Abu Dawood are sufficient sources for anyone seeking knowledge.The book contains some 5,000 Hadith with many variation of the text. With more emphasis on the Fiqh (understanding) than on the chain of narrators.

4 - Sunan An-Nisaee
Written By Ahmad ibn Shoaeeb An-Nissaee, born 215H. This book is considered as the third most authentic book after Bukhari and Muslim.His style is a combination of the styles of Bukhari and Muslim.

5 - Jame' At-Termizi
The author is Mohammad ibn Isa, born 200H. His book contains many weak and less authentic narrations, however, the author rarely leaves this unnoticed, and points out the weaknesses of the narrations.Also the book is considered as a reference in comparative Fiqh for the various schools of thoughts.
6 - Sunan ibn Majah
It was written by Mohammad ibn Yazeed ibn Maja, born 209H. The book is well classified, with many additions that are not found in the other 5 books.Accessing a particular Hadith is fairly easy. Chapters are many and concise, but still contain a number of weak narrations.This book with the other five listed above are known as the Sihah As-Sita, that is The Six Truthful Books.
7 - Al-Muwatta
Written by Imam Malik ibn Anas, Born 93H in Madina. He is one of the 4 leading Sunni Imams. His book is one of the earliest works on Hadith, and almost all the narrations mentioned in it are authentic, but because it also contains many of Malik's fatwas, some scholars consider it to be more of a fiqh book rather than Hadith collection, others however consider it to be the sixth book of the sahihs due to the existence of very weak Hadiths in Sunan ibn Majah.
8 - Musnad Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
Imam Ahmad was the fourth Fiqh Imam. Born in Baghdad 164H. Amongst his students were Ash-Shafee, Bukhari and Muslim. His book contains more than 35,000 Hadith. It was a reference to all Hadith books to follow.
9-Sunan Ad-Darimee
Abdul-Allah ibn Abdul-Rahman Ad-Darimee. B born 181H. His book has more authentic narrations than Ibn Majah's, and is considered by scholars as Sahih Ad-Darimee.
10-Sahih ibn Khuzaima
Mohammad ibn Ishaq ibn Khuzaima, Born 223H. One of the leading scholars of his time. His book contains many authentic narrations with some weak ones.
11-Sahih ibn Habban
Mohammad ibn Habban was born towards the end of the third century H.His book is one of the most famous books because of the amount of authentic Hadith in it.Classifications of the Hadiths
We have learned from the previous chapter that the Hadith was compiled over a period of well over 200 years.Although some Hadith were written down during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH), but the vast majority were committed to memory, and the narrations were passed on from scholars to students and so on. Due to natural reasons of forgetfulness, travel, misunderstanding etc, weakness in the authenticity of Hadith crept in, of course not to all narrations or narrators.The task of the pioneer compilers was to scrutinize every single narration and verify it. A hard task that they accomplished with distinctions.There is a relevant story about a man who fabricated many Hadiths during the Abbasid Khalifah Harron Al-Rashid. (170-193H). The man was arrested and brought to the Khalifah who sentenced him to death. The man said with a tone of arrogance " I have done the damage (To Islam), I have fabricated many Hadith and attributed them to the prophet(pbuh), what are you going to do about them?" Al-Rasheed replied "no problem, we have 'Sufian Al-Thawri' and 'Ishaq Al-Fazari, who will find all your lies and expose them one by one".Another factor came into existence and that is the intentional fabrication and subsequently attributing them to the prophet (pbuh). Hypocrites, deviant sects (e.g. the Shia), Jews, and other non-Muslims were the main contributors to the fabricated narrations. In addition to a small group of Sunni politicians and others who joined in the fabrication process in order to defend their heroes or promote their causes or even encourage the public to be righteous.When referring to the books of Hadith, one would find that each Hadith consists of two elements, these are the Matin and the Sanad.The Matin is the text of the Hadith, while the Sanad is the series of the men who have transmitted the Hadith one from another, also known as the chain of narrators.The importance of the Sanad cannot be overemphasized, as Abdullah ibn Al-Mubarak said "without Sanad anybody can say what ever he wishes" in other words without Sanad our religion could have become a hear-say without references. The science of Hadith mentioned earlier is the process of verification of the Sanad and the Matin.Obviously men are not alike, some excel others in piety, memory, knowledge, manners etc, and hence the narrations of Hadith would vary in sympathy with the characters of the narrators.Another important factor in classifying the Hadith is the number of narrators as will be explained later.
Hence the authenticity of Hadiths varies from total truth to total lies.I have listed bellow some of the most famous and widely used classification of Hadith, but for full comprehensive work on Hadith which is beyond the scope of this introductory book, one should seek to study a more specialised book.
The following chart shows how some scholars classified the Hadith on the basis of authenticity:
Classifications of Hadith

{Fabricated traditions (Mawdoo') are not considered to be Hadith}
Sahih HadithThe scholars have laid down many conditions for accepting the Hadith as being authentic (Sahih), the most famous conditions are:
The reporter should be trustworthy.
He must have a sense of preserving the text of the Hadith. i.e. memorisation with understanding.
The Sanad (chain of narrators) should go back to the prophet (PBUH) without a break.
His report must agree with other reliable reporters (absence of Shudhudh {singular Shaz}).
There should be no hidden ailment.
The Sahih could be Mutawater or Ahad,
Mutawater is the Hadith of highest degree of authenticity and could be defined as:
The Hadith that has been reported by a group that is impossible for them to agree to a lie, and each link of the Sanad is similarly reported.
Ahad Hadith is a Sahih Hadith but the number of narrators in one or more links is not large enough to be considered as Mutawater.Ahad Hadith is sub divided again according to number of narrators in each link. If that number is 3 or more then the Hadith is Mashour (famous) while if that number drops down to 2 in any one link then the Hadith is Aziz (rare or reinforced) on the other hand if that number drops further to one, then the Hadith is called Ghareeb (Strange).
Hassan Hadith
This is the Hadith that doesn't contain any reporter accused of lying in any of its Sanad, and that the Hadith is not Shaz (see 4 above), but not strong enough to be considered Sahih.
Daeef Hadith
This is the Hadith, which has not contained the characteristic of Sahih or Hassan. This type of Hadith varies in weakness according to the weaknesses of its narrators. The weakness could be due to:
An interruption in the chain of narrators. (Mursal, Munkate', Mu'dal)
A fault in one or more in the characters of the narrators. (Munkar, Matrook)
Contradicts a Sahih Hadith (Mu'alal, Mutareb, Makloob, Shaz).
A Hadith narrated by a trustworthy but opposes a more authentic one
The Sahabi is not mentioned
A link is missing
(Concealed) Some link is doubtful.
(denounced) a Hadith narrated by a non-trustworthy and opposes a more authentic one
Narrated by a fasiq, a liar, absent minded or imaginative person.
Examples of Sahih Hadiths
The Messenger of Allah was no ordinary person. He was a deliverer of a divine message. As a matter of fact, he was the perfect messenger who delivered the perfect message from the Almighty Allah to the worlds. The message that was sent down was deliverance to mankind. The Messenger's duty was not mere honest delivery of the message. There were as well explanations and applications involved.Hence those duties entailed perfection in manners, personality and eloquence.In this section we shall deal with the literal qualities of the sayings of the messenger of Allah. Other qualities will be dealt with in the Seera Chapter.The prophet (PBUH) was born in the golden age of Arabic literacy. All the Arabs at his time used to speak the classical language only. They had competitions and festival to celebrate their eloquence. While other civilisations of the past were competing in construction and expansion, the Arabs had literacy markets to trade the only goods available to them; their prowess in speech. It did not take the Arabs long before realising that although the Qur'an was in Arabic, but they were no match to it. Likewise, but to a lesser degree, the prophet out spoke all of them with clarity, eloquence and precision. He said, " I have been given (by Allah) the comprehensiveness of the speech." This gift from Allah enabled the Prophet (PBUH) to express himself in few eloquent words that conveyed many grand messages, as we shall see from the examples to follow.
It was the speech that Allah willed to teach people the Qur'an, it's recitation, it's meaning, it's wisdom and to lead to purification. Allah says in the Qur'an:
He it's who sent among the unlettered ones a messenger from among themselves, reciting to the them His verses, purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom." 62:2
Most scholars agree that the meaning of the word Wisdom (Hikmah in Arabic) refers to the Sunnah of the prophet (PBUH).
The following examples of the Prophet's sayings (taken from Riadul Saleheen, by Imam Nawawi) show the power and wisdom of the Hadith.
"Fear Allah where ever you may be; do a virtuous act after an evil act as the former will undo the latter, and behave with good manners with people."
"A person can't be a true believer unless he desires for his brothers (in faith) that which he desires for himself"
"The Recompense of one who directs somebody to do good deed will be equal to the reward of the doer" (Muslim)
Jabir ibn Abdullah (R.A.A) related ' I took oath of allegiance with the messenger of Allah (PBUH) that I would offer prayer, pay Zakah and am a well-wisher of every Muslim.' (Bukhari and Muslim)
Jabir Ibn Abdullah (R.A.A) relates that the holy prophet (S.A.W) said: Avoid cruelty and injustice for, in the day of judgement, the same will turn into several darkness; and guard yourselves against miserliness; for this has ruined nations who lived before you. Miserliness led them to bloodshed and to treat the unlawful as lawful. (Muslim)
Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al'As relates that the holy Prophet (S.A.W) said: 'A Muslim is not a person who does not harm another Muslim with his tongue or hands and an emigrant is one who leaves that which Allah has forbidden' (Bukhari and Muslim)
N'uman Ibn Bashir (R.A.A) relates that the Holy prophet (S.A.W) said: The Muslims in their mutual love, kindness and compassion, are like the human body when one of its parts is in agony the entire body feels the pain both in sleeplessness and fever. (Bukhari and Muslim)
Abu hurairah (R.A.A) relates that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said: A Muslim is the bother of another Muslim, He neither betrays him nor tells him a like, nor humiliates him. Everything belonging to a Muslim, his honour, his property, his blood, is sacrosanct to another Muslim; and the piety is here (pointing towards heart). It is fairly serious evil to consider a Muslim 'mean'. (Imam Tirmizi has mentioned this tradition and called it good)
Abu Hurairah (R.A.A) relates that the holy Prophet said: 'One who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgement must not cause hardship and inconvenience to his neighbour; and he who believes in Allah and the last Day must respect his guest; and he who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgement must speak well or keep quiet!'. (Bukhari and Muslim)
Abu Hurairah (R.A.A) relates that the holy Prophet said: 'A person is likely to follow the faith of his friends, so look whom you befriend'(Abu Dawud and Termizi)
Anas (R.A.W) relates that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said 'Entertain no malic or envy nor indifference nor cut off relations; all the servants of Allah be brethren to each other. It is not permissible for a Muslim, to keep away from his brother for more than three days. (Bukhari and Muslim)
Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (R.A.A) relates that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said: 'A Muslim never taints or curses or abuses not resorts to vulgar talking'. (Termizi said it is sound)
Examples of Weak Hadiths
Unfortunately, many Muslim individuals, groups and organisations use quotations of weak Hadiths to support an argument or a position.Here we are not talking about deviant groups or intentional liars only, rather about sincere Muslims who due to ignorance, choose unchecked Hadith and feel so proud and so confident that the prophet (PBUH) has supported their arguments.From my experience, many sincere Muslims refrain from employing weak narrations once they are made aware of the seriousness of attributing a lie to the Prophet.
Shaikh Naser ul-Dean Al Albani (RH) wrote a series of books called "Silslat Al Ahadith Addaeefa" the series of weak narrations. These four volume books contain some 2000 weak Hadith. Every Hadith's weakness is explained in details. When one goes through, he will be amazed and astonished to realise that we unwittingly use so many weak narrations in the past to support an argument or a wrong practice.I have chosen some 50 weak Hadiths from that series and numbered them as a reference to their locations in the book of Albani.
" The Deen is the brain, and he who has no religion has no brain." Batil No.1
"Whose prayer does not stop him from evil and sins he will only get further away from Allah." Batil No.2
"Work for this life as if you are living forever and the Hereafter as if you will die tomorrow." No Hadith No.8
"I have been sent as a teacher." Daif No.11
" Two types of people from my Ummah, if they are good my people will be good: the leaders and scholars." Fabricated No.16
" I don't need to ask Him for He knows my affair." This saying is attributed to prophet Ibrahim (AS). It's alleged he said it before he was thrown into the fire}. Fabricated. No.21
" Adam (AS) saw the kalmia (La illaha illallah Muhammad dur Rasoolulah) written on the Arsh (Allah's throne)." Fabricated No.25
" There is goodness in me and my Ummah until the day of Judgment." Fabricated No.30
" To love ones own country is a sign of Iman." Fabricated No.36
" Who sleeps after 'Asr and losses his mind should blame non but himself." Daif No.39
" Whoever performs Hajj and does not visit me has boycotted me." No.45This and all the other Hadiths about visiting the Prophet (pbuh) after his death are Fabricated.
"Disagreement amongst my Ummah is a mercy." Fabricated No.57
" My Sahabah are like stars..." This and other Hadith with different endings are all fabricated. No.58
" My household (Hal al Bait) are like stars...." Fabricated No.62
" My Lord has disciplined me well." Daif No.72
" To rub the eyes when hearing the Adhan..." Fabricated No.73
" All people are dead except the Scholars, and all the Scholars are punished except the workers, and all the workers are drowned except the sincere, and the sincere are in great danger." Fabricated No.76
" There is no Mahdi except Isa (AS)." Munkar No.77
Prayer with the Aamama (head clothing) is equivalent to 25 prayers than without it...." Fabricated No.127
" Get married and do not divorce because divorce shakes the Arsh." Fabricated No.147
"Love the Arabs for three; because I am an Arab, the Qur'an is in Arabic and the language of Jannah is Arabic." Fabricated No.160
"For everything there is a heart, and for the Qur'an this is Surah Ya Sin and who reads it, it is as if he has read the Qur'an ten times." Fabricated No.169
"Contemplation for one hour is better than worship for sixty years." Fabricated No.173
" Hajj is Jihad and Umrah is optional." Daif No..200
" The neighbours rights are up to forty houses away..." Daif No.274
" I was a Prophet before Adam (AS) and before the water and the mud...." Fabricated No.302
"Who does not care for the Muslims affairs is not one of them..." Daif No.309
" As you are, so will be your leaders." Daif No.320
" Who abides by my Sunnah at the time of corruption of my Ummah he will get the reward of a hundred martyrs..." Daif No.326
"The Prophet (pbuh) kissed a Sahabah by the hand and said that this hand will not be touched by fire." Batil No.391
"Seek knowledge even in China." Batil No.416
" People will be called on the Day of Judgment by their mothers names." Fabricated No.433
" As Sultan (The Ruler) is the shadow of Allah on the earth..." Fabricated No.475
" Exaggerate in remembering Allah until others call you mad." Daif No.517
" The son of Adam (AS) does not do a dearer deed than on the Day of Nahaar (sacrifice during Eid ul Adha) than spilling blood of the sacrifice. It will come on the Day of Judgment with its horn, wool and huffs and Allah accepts the sacrifice before its blood reaches the ground..." Daif/ Fabricated No.526
" He used to pray in Ramadan twenty rakahs taraweeah and the witr." Fabricated No.560
" When the Prophet (pbuh) came into Medina the women and children were singing Ta la al badroo aalaynaa....." Daif No.598
" The believer is courteous, clever and alert." Fabricated No.760
" Who honours the women is noble and who humiliates them is mean." Fabricated No.845
" O my Uncle if they placed the sun in my right and the moon in my left to give up this matter (Islam) I would not do so, until Allah makes it prevail or I perish in the process." Daif No.909
" Do not urinate standing up." Daif No.934
" He use to stand on the mimbar leaning on a stick while giving the Khutbah." Daif No.964
" Ali (RA) missed the 'Asr prayer and the Prophet (pbuh) prayed for the sun to reappear until Ali (RA) had prayed." Fabricated No.971
" One day from a Imam 'Adl (Just Ruler) is better than sixty years of worship." Daif No.989
"Whose prayer does not stop him from evil and sins, will not be accepted." Munkar No.985
"He used to pray four before Jumah and four after." Batil No.1001
" Any women who leaves here house without her husband's permission will be in Allah's displeasure until she returns to the house or her husband becomes happy with her." Fabricated No.1020
" The dearest women to the Prophet (pbuh) is Fatima (RA), and from the men is Ali (RA)." Batil No.1124
" Who has died has met his Qiyamah." Daif No.1166
" I recommend the two cures, honey and Qur'an."Daif No.1514
" If someone backbites his brother then you should seek forgiveness for him as this is a kaffarah" Fabricated/Daif No.1518


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